Discover the real value of your property in your area in Gran Canaria

All the information about the real estate market in your area

We have been taking care of our clients for more than 45 years.

We have a comprehensive understanding of the market in southern Gran Canaria and we want you to have that information as well.

Whether you want to sell your property, buy a new home or are considering investing in real estate assets, we provide you with the best tool so that you can find out in detail what is happening with the value of properties in your area.

By subscribing, you will receive a complete report every six months with updated market data in your area completely free of charge.

With this document you will discover the behavior and trends of the real estate market thanks to detailed information in real time.

Sign up for the free semiannual report

By subscribing, you will receive the free semiannual report in your email.

You can unsubscribe whenever you want.

What will you find in the report?

In the free report that you will receive every six months, you will find updated information that will answer the main questions about the real estate market in Gran Canaria:

How much is the square meter worth?

Knowing the price per square meter will help you to know the value of a property precisely. It is very relevant information whether to buy, sell or invest.

How do the prices behave?

With this report you will be able to see the behavior of properties prices in a simple way. Both if they have risen in recent months and if they have remained.

What is the demand for properties?

Currently there is a high demand for real estate in beach areas. Also in other parts of the area. These data are very important if you want to sell your property or are thinking of buying in a specific area.

And the offer?

The offer of properties in this area is very limited and properties that come on the market at a reasonable price sell quickly. Knowing this data will give you an approximate vision of the average time to sell a home.

How can the report help you?

Having this information will be a great tool for you, whether you want to put your property up for sale or if you need to know these figures to make an investment, update the value of your assets or apply for a loan.

To register, you just have to complete the form. By subscribing, you will receive the free semiannual report in your email.

Sign up for the free semiannual report

By subscribing, you will receive the free semiannual report in your email.

You can unsubscribe whenever you want.

We are at your service

If you have any questions, you can contact our team of advisors to resolve any issue. We are here to help you. We like to take care of our customers.

That is why we are the most recommended real estate agency in Gran Canaria, with 4 offices and thousands of satisfied clients.

You can contact us directly here

The most recommended real estate agency in Gran Canaria - Since 1980

+34 928 150 650

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